Saturday, January 26, 2008

Borderline Boy

I have no idea of who actually reads this crazy thing regularly (probably no one, since we don't actually post with any regularity or predictability whatsoever), but I have started doing this new webcomic, in case you haven't heard. Borderline Boy, the adventures of an early-twentysomething guy learning to cope with his life and himself. It updates Mondays through Saturdays, so go give it a look.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I like Shortpacked. Sometimes I even love Shortpacked. And it is comics like these that are one of the things I love about Shortpacked.

Bus Stop, #1
Bus Stop, #2

Note how longsuffering Aslan is. He just sort of endures all this silliness with dignity and wit. It would be easy for David Willis to make these strips into mere "Christians-are-such-nutjobs" gags, but I think Aslan's demeanor adds a lot to them, both in terms of humor and substance.

All right, I'm done talkin' about webcomics for now.