New News From the Jackson
So how's this for New News From the Jackson? there's this person in my creative writing class, Christina Bell, who writes real good freeverse poetry and was in my Intro to Archaeology class last semester. the first batch of poems she submitted had a strong nature-vs.-man theme, imagery of nature tearing up fences and telephone poles, and this made me curious what she'd said in her final paper for the archaeology class. We'd had to write on Clive Ponting's A Green History of the World, with Ponting maintaining basically that man's interactions with the environment are inherently artificial and damaging to it--in essence, that the best human beings can do is preemptive damage control. So I told her the other day that I liked her poems and they made me curious about what she wrote in the paper, so now she has sent me the paper, and as soon as I get time, I'm gonna read it.
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